Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Right-to-Work Law Affects Labor Relations Term Paper

How Right-to-Work Law Affects Labor Relations - Term Paper Example The right to work law affects the process of collective bargaining between the labor class and the management not only in the private sector but also in the public sector. It is through the process of collective bargaining that the labors and the management meet for negotiating a contract which covers the terms and condition of employment. Both the labor and the management agree to all the requirements present in the contract before its implementation. It is then that the labors vote on whether or not they agree to the contract that covers their working conditions, wages, benefits and several other issues. Many laborers and the employers at this point also agree to add the â€Å"union security clause† which states that all the labors having rights to the collective bargaining process must also agree to pay their part of cost in the union representation (Plumer). There are many proponents of the right to work law that agree to the fact that it imposes a positive impact on the l abor-management relationship. Right to work law allows labors to gain some benefits from the organization such as receiving union services or enjoying free rides, which also leads the businesses to gain employee satisfaction and build a sense of loyalty in them for the firm. There is evidence present about the fact that right to work law accelerates the economic activity of the state, it lowers the ratio of employment in the state and help businesses to create new and attractive jobs. When the economy of a state prospers the productivity.

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